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Provinces - This region has 7 provinces: Belluno, Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Vicenza
Chief town - Venezia
Surface - kmq 18365
National Parks - National Park of Dolomiti of Belluno (1990)

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veneto Origin of the Name
Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands
Agriculture - Stock-Farm - Fishing
Industry - Tourism
Position and Frontier
Rivers - Lakes

Origin of the name:
To the time of Romans the Region was called Venetia from the name of the ancient people that lived it. This region was also called Venice Euganea, derived always from ancient inhabitants (Euganei) that were absorbed then by Venetian ones. With Venice Tridentina and Venice Giulia, Venice Euganea forms the so-called ‘Three Venezie '.

Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands:
The northern part of the region is constituted for a line from Alps Carniche with Marmolada, from the Tops of Lavaredo, from Shovels of St. Martin and from Tofane, while to the oriental slope of Dolomiteses belong the highland of the Grappa, the highland of Asiago, the Mountains Lesini and Pasubio. There are numerous passes among which we have to remember Pordoi and Footstep of Falzarego, that put in communication Veneto with Trentino Tall Adige while Footstep of Mauria is connecting Veneto with Friuli Venice Julia and finally Footstep of Mountain Cross of Comelico that puts in communication Veneto with Austria. The Lowland Venetian Padana is divided in: tall lowland and low lowland. The tall lowland is characterized by a very gravelly ground and therefore more arid, while the low lowland is being distinguished for the wealth of courses of water owed by the constant irrigation of the risorgives that have a notable importance for the agriculture.

The Venetian territory introduces manifold aspects: the mountainous part has valleys and greens woods while the lakes are rising in the middle of the pastures. The hills have covered of vineyards above all from elms and oaks. Lake of Garda, with its mild climate, lets flourish ulivi and oleanders, while the lowland is being cultivated by vineyards and orchards. The roads have an intense traffic and they don't even miss the grey industrial establishments. Some highlands are alternated by a woods based bare and rocky panorama and lawns where small villages and place of stay rise with modern hotels.

Foreshortening of the stables of Villa Pisani in the town of Strà
Foreshortening of the stables of Villa Pisani
in the town of Strà

Agriculture - Stock-farm - Fishing:
In the Venetian region it is primarily produced wheat, maize and fruit plants. Very develop are also the industrial crops as that of the tobacco, of the hemp, of the sugar beet, of the rice, of the soy, of the carrots, of the apples, of the pears, of the bowline, of the peas and of the beans. The production of wine is its most notable: in fact Veneto is to the third place. Some Venetian typical wines are very appreciated abroad also, among which remember Valpolicella, Bardolino and Soave. Purely other Venetian specialties are: the red chicory of Treviso, the asparaguses of Bassano and the cherries of Marostica. The Venetian breeding has developed in cattle and in particolar way in pig, in the provincies in Treviso and Padua. We remind you besides that Veneto has the absolute supremacy in the breeding of the poultry. The silkworm is still raised, activity by now abandoned by the other regions; with this breeding Veneto has the supremacy of the production of cocoons and natural silk. Besides the fishing of tall sea is practised the lagoon fish breeding. This technique is typical of the valleys, where different kinds of fishes (the eel, the mullets, the orates and the mullets), are fenced and embank up to the adult age, for then to be captured when they want to go out in the open sea. Chioggia is the first one or one of the first Italian fish markets, from which the fresh fish is sent in city of sea as Naples or Genoa.

Industry - Tourism:

Building Rezzonico
Building Rezzonico

The more diffused Venetian industry and more developed, is the heavy industry of Porto Marghera, where arrive by sea the first subjects for the oil refineries to pass to the chemical complexes and the metallurgical establishments that produce ghisa, zinc, steels and aluminum then. Other industrial enterprises of every type are found in this region as for instance the graphic establishments in Verona (Mondadori), the factories of bicycles to Padua and Vittorio Veneto, fabrics and yarns to Schio and Valdagno, the factories of appliances to Treviso and Conegliano, agricultural cars to Padua and Verona and shoe factory to Venice, Verona and Treviso. Everywhere have scattered the alimentary industries and particularly the zuccherificis. Thanks to the numerous situated artificial basins along Piave and Brenta, Veneto occupies the third place between the regions of Italy for the production of electric energy.

The Region offers a lot of cities of cultural interest to the tourists as Venice, Padua and Verona. Bathing places are found equip of modern tourist fittings, place climb on of it that offer sceneries as Dolomiteses and situated towns on the shores of Lake of Garda that have a mild climate almost all the year. There are besides cultural demonstrations, folk appointments and centers of care to international level.
Castelfranco Veneto (abooout 31. 000 inhabitants) is situated in province of Treviso and it rises in the center of Veneto, in the lowland padana, to 43 meters on the level of the sea, between the rivers Brenta and Piave and to the shade of the thick of mountain Grappa (sadly famous for the bloody battles of I The world war).
The town is situated to 42 Kms from Venice, 25 from Treviso, 35 from Vicenza and 31 from Padua.
Highways: Tollgate A31 Vicenza North; Tollgate A27 Treviso Sud.

Position and Frontier:
Veneto is situated geographically between Alps Carniche, Dolomiteses and Adriatic Sea. For a brief line to north Veneto confines with Austria, to east it confines with Friuli Venice Julia and the line of the coast of Gulf in Venice up to the mouth of Po with Adriatic Sea; to south with Emilia Romagna and Lombardy and to west with  Trentino Tall Adige and Lombardy with which it shares part of Lake of Garda.

Rivers - Lakes:
The two great rivers of Veneto, are Po and Adige that are respectively also the first one and the second of Italy for length. Po marks for a long line the border between Veneto and Emilia Romagna, while Adige is being born in tall Adige and enters in Venetian lowland to north in Verona. Other rivers of Venetian territory are Piave, Brenta and Livenza. To Veneto the oriental shore of Lake of Garda belongs and between the numerous alpine lakes we find that of Alleghe in the zone of Belluno and that of Misurina in the proximities of Three Tops of Lavaredo.

In tall mountain the winters are very cold and the fresh summers; along the shores of Lake of Garda the climate is particularly mild, while in the slope padano the winters are colds and dampness. In the period that goes October to March, we find dense benches of fog that characterize Lowland Padana; the summer is warm and very sultry.

Veneto is one of the more densely populated regions; we find a lot of cities but anybody of big dimensions. Venice overcomes of few the 320 thousand inhabitants. In the zones of reclamation there are different villages, rural houses, a lot of countries and towns. The provincies of Belluno and Rovigo are less densely inhabited and big part of their population is forced to emigrate for their scarce economic development.

Veneto has a lot of street of communication that allow its connection with the rest of Italy, of Europe and with the Countries of Mediterranean. The Region has connected with Mediterranean countries and of the east making head to Venice, thanks to the maritime transports; while the railway net and the dense knots of release road, allow the connection of tourist and commercial character, in all the directions for Italy and Europe. In Veneto we find three airports: Villafranca to Verona for flights insides and Europeans, Venice always with flights insides and services of port for Milan and Rome, Treviso with the commercial loads.

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