Mediasoft TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE trentino alto adige
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Provinces - This region has 2 provinces: Bolzano, Trento
Chief town - Trento
Surface - kmq 13613
National Parks - National Park of Stelvio (1935)

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graphic trentino alto adige

trentino alto adige Origin of the Name
Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands
Agriculture - Stock-Farm - Fishing
Industry - Tourism
Position and Frontier
Rivers - Lakes

Origin of the name:
This region has two names because itis composed by two separate regions: the southern part is Trentino that  takes its name from the chief town, that is Trento, from the Latin Tridentum (ancient town hall) and the part northern Tall Adige, call so because it is situated in the basin of the superior course of this river. South Tirol is the German name of tall Adige because up to 1918 this region belonged to Austrian territory of Tirol. Subsequently the region was called Venice Tridentina up to 1948, year when taken the actual name.

Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands:
Imposing mountainous chains characterize the zones of this region. To north we find the alpine chain of Alps Atesine that understands Alps Venoste and those Aurines (peak of Italy). To south we find the southern Alps Retiche (Adamello, Ortles, Cevedale and the group of Brenta). To east the thick one of Dolomiteses is constituted by a type of rock whitish rich in magnesium and kick. The most elevated peaks are Marmolada, Catenaccio and Latemar. The mountainous groups of Pasubio and Lessini mountains, belong to Prealpis. Valley of Adige is called Val Venosta in the part altoatesina and Val Lagarina in Trentino, and it is rich of orchards and vineyards.

The Valley of Solda
The Valley of Solda

Other valleys to remember are: Val of Sun, Val Pusteria and the Val  di Non crossed by the river Noce, Valleys of Cembra, Valley of Fiemme and Val of Fassa crossed from the river Avisio, Val Sugana crossed by Brenta and Val Gardena.
The passes that put Trentino Tall Adige in communication with Austria, are Footstep of Resia, Footstep of Dobbiaco and that of Brennero. Between Lombardy and Trentino-tall Adige there are Footstep of Stelvio and the footstep of Tonale. Footstep Pordoi and Footstep Rolle put in communication the Region with Veneto.


Panorama of Merano
Panorama of Merano

The landscape of Trentino-tall Adige is composed from enormous thick mountainous with some sparkling glaciers where between sharp pains fogs are glimpse the valleys. From the mountains and from the glaciers, go down abundant the waters that have ploughed the territory in a lot of years and dug the mountains to the point to transform these zones in wonder of the nature. There is often a panorama of orchards and woods of coniferous, pastures and dizzy walls of rock that lean for hundreds of meters; rivers and savage streams roar between the rocks.

Agriculture - Stock-farm - Fishing:
The principal products that are cultivated in the valleys, are: potatoes, vegetables and fruit trees (cherries, plum trees and above all apple trees). There are vineyards that damns excellent wines, some of which very appreciated. Trentino Tall Adige is one of the woodiest regions in Italy: there are above all larici, red firs, woodland pines and beech trees.

Industry - Tourism:
One of the greatest wealths is the abundance of hydroelectric basins. Besides Trentino-tall Adige, producing superior energy to the regional requirement, exports in the other regions. Some handicraft workmanships as that of the carved wood and of the furniture, are typical in Trentino-tall Adige. To underline more still the natural beauties of this Region, the man has contributed building what was necessary to be able to appreciate them mostly: hotel organization, shelters alpine and numerous stations of vacation winter and summer that are the resources of great wealth of the country. We remember some of the most important: Stelvio, Ortisei, Madonna of Campiglio, Dobbiaco, Predazzo and Canazei.

Position and Frontier:
This region is that situated more to north of Italy. Its territory is set in the southern part of a line of the oriental Alps and contains the mountain basin of Adige. To north it confines with Switzerland and with Austria where the political confinements also coincide, to east it confines with Veneto, to south with Veneto and Lombardy and to west with Lombardy.

Rivers - Lakes:
The most important river of Trentino Tall Adige is Adige, that is born from Footstep of Resia and it crosses the Region for around half its course, receiving as tributaries Isarco, Rienza, Noce and Avisio. The Chiese and Sarca flow on Lake of Garda and they are not tributaries of Adige; besides Brenta enters in Veneto and leads in Adriatic. Chiese and Sarca cross Valleys Giudicarie, Brenta and Val Sugana. After Po, Adige is the second river of Italy and third after Tevere for surface of the basin; besides it is born from the western part of the Region, to more than 1500 ms. of height from the Footstep of Resia. In the basin of Merano Adige receives the waters of Passirio.

The Lake of Garda with Baldo mountain on the background
The Lake of Garda with
Baldo mountain on the background

The climate of this Region is very rigid in the months winter and fresh in the summer periods. During the winter there are abundant and frequent snowfalls, while in spring and autumn often rains.

In Trentino Tall Adige two ethnic groups that speak two different languages cohabit. In the province of Trento is spoken Italian  while in the province of Bolzano it usually speaks each other the German and really for this motive, the bilingualism is in force. The German language, so, has recognized officially and it is used together with that Italian. In some valleys of mountain of Trentino, Ladino has spread, that is a language that derives from Latin but different from Italian. This region is one of less inhabited; the mountain, especially in Trentino,  extend   to depopulate and the inhabitants are assembled in the valleys very more where there are more possibilities of job.

The principal street of communication is Valley of Adige that from Lowland Padana brings in Austria and in southern Germany through Brennero; this valley is long that pass the principal railway lines (Verona-Trento-Bolzano-Brennero), the highway Verona Brennero and the government Verona Brennero.

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