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Provinces - This region has 4 provinces: Genova, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona
Chief town - Genova
Surface - kmq 5416
National Parks - Any national parks

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graphic liguria

liguria Origin of the Name
Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands
Agriculture - Stock-Farm - Fishing
Industry - Tourism
Position and Frontier
Rivers - Lakes

Origin of the name:
2000 years ago the comprehensive region of the actual Piedmont and the Lombardy were already inhabited by the Liguris. Also Torino (from the Latin ‘August Taurinorum ') belonged to Liguria which was under the control of the Romans.

Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands:
the MarittimeAlps that touch Liguria are also called the Liguri Alps. The tallest peaks are Sacrario Mountain (2200 ms. ) and Mongioe Mountain (2630 ms. ). The Alps are connected to the Appennino with the Hills of Cadibona. The tallest peak in Appennino Ligure is formed by the Maggiorasca Mountain (1799 ms. ). The mountains decene quickly toward the coast, and descend more gradually in the inside slope toward the hills of  Monferrato and Langhes. The numerous passes of Liguria are slightly elevated, most are under the 1000 meters. The principal footsteps are: the Footstep of Cadibona and the Footstep of  Turchino that brings in Piedmont, the Footstep of Jupiter that introducesthe Padana Lowland , the Footstep of Bracco that brings in Tuscany and the Footstep of One hundred Crosses that  brings in Emilia Romagna.

The port of Genova
The port of Genova

The coast Ligure is divided into: the West coast from Genoa entending further westward and the Rising Coast  from Genoa and extending eastward.   The west coast is formed by a number of rocky inlets, rocky promontories and by narrow and sandy beaches, while in the east are there are promontories with are thicker and lean more. More distant from the coast we find the few islands of which are more notable are the island Gallinara, the island Bergeggi, the islands of Palmaria and those of Tito and Tinetto.

A big part of the territory is mountainous and hilly, dug from spacious and sinuous valleys until they go down into the brief band of coastal lowland. The mountainous zone introduces itself arid and deprived of vegetation. In the zones of country there are a few isolated houses. The urban agglomerations are built very distant from each other, often above to the big hills. Even if the Region is bathed from two seas, great harbors don't exist, and therefore this area lacks big urban centers.

Agriculture - Stock-farm- Fishing:
The formation of the ground limits a lot of agricultural activity, the very narrow cultivable part has already been used by the industrial establishments and by tourist fittings. There is a favorable climate, that allows some narrow but very profitable crops such as the cultivation of flowers,ornamental plants, fruit and vegetables. The most diffuse products are: tomatoes, artichokes, asparaguses, fish, apricots especially in the plain of Albenga, oil in Oneglia, wine in the Five Earths and in the Imperia zone of . All these products are very limited and they don't constitute source of profit for the Region. Even if the whole population lives in the coast, fishing has been of little importance in the economy of Liguria, because of the composition of the backdrops in some coasts, that immediately fall to forbidden depths, for the few types of fish that can be found, such as  Sardinians, clearances and anchovies.

Industry - Tourism:

S. Margherita of Liguria
S. Margherita of Liguria

The more zone   industrialized of the region is found between Genoa and Savona. In Genoa we find the steelworkses and the shipyards, to Savona there are more industries, chemists and oil refineries. Imperia is developed in the light industry: oil and feed. La Spezia is center of the OTO-Melera, a war industry. Scattered in the whole zone are the alimentary industries. Tourism constitutes one of the most important activities of profit of the region. The coastal places are facilitated by the mild climate, from the luxuriant vegetation and from the beaches, many Italian and foreign tourists will recall. As with every tourist place overcrowding is a danger regarding ecological and environmental threats. Hotel structures, camping, roads, and care for the environment, distinguishes the Coasts as one of the most beautiful places in Italy.

Position and Frontier:
Liguria is found in the slope of the tirrenico Alps, Marittime and Appennino Ligure; it has a conformation of a narrow arc that forms the Gulf of Genoa. It borders to north with Piedmont and Emilia Romagna, to east with Tuscany, to south it is bathed from the Ligure Sea and to west it borders with France.

Rivers - Lakes:
The rivers of Liguria are above of torrential character. The principal are Roja that begins in France and leads in the press of Ventimiglia,and Impero which flows to Oneglia,  and Arroscia that flows to Albenga, Letimbro in the zone in Savona. The river Vara is the longest of and meets with Magra in Tuscany. Also notible are Tanaro, Bormida and Scrivia that are born from Appennino Ligure and meet in Po. The same is for Trebbia and Staffora.

The climate is mild thanks to the sea breezes that refresh in summer and mitigate in winter and to the mountainous chains that protect the coast from northern colds. This climate is ideal for an evergreen vegetation as the maritime pine, the ulivo, the palms, the cypresses and the laurel.

Although all mountainous, this is not earth of mountaineers, but of dealers and sailors. Liguria is densely a populated region, but the greatest part of it resides along the coast, where the principal cities rise.  Half of the population is concentrated in Genoa.

The railway net is one of the points of strength of the communications of Liguria; it connects all the clearings of central Italy, southern from Florence and further north that arrive from Milan going toward the Blue Coast in France. Along the coast is the street Aurelia, built by Romans to reach Gallia, while parallel to Aurelia the highway that reaches her Spezia and colleague Sestri  Levante-Genova-Savona-Ventimiglia which then continue in the French territory from Pisa races. There are other highways that connect Genoa to Milan, Savona with Turin and Spezia to Parma. From Genoa there are the principal lines of a ships port for Sardinia and the harbors of the countries of Mediterranean. The principal airport is situated in Genoa-Sestri.

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