

friuli venezia giulia
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Provinces - This region has 4 provinces: Gorizia, Pordenone, Trieste, Udine
Chief town - Trieste
Surface - kmq 7846
National Parks - any national park

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graphic friuli venezia giulia

friuli venezia giulia Origin of the Name
Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands
Agriculture - Stock-Farm - Fishing
Industry - Tourism
Position and Frontier
Rivers - Lakes

Origin of the name:
The name of this region points out a composition of two zones of geographical lists, all but two derive from the Latin ‘gens Iulia ' (the family to which Giulio Cesare belongs). Friuli originally ‘Forum Julii ' was the name of a commercial center (forum means market), built by the Romans in the actual city of Cividale. The name of the city then been extended to the whole region. Instead Venice Giulia is a recent name that honors the Venetian inhabitants and the ‘Gens Iulia '. After the first World War the territory of the region belonged to Veneto, together with some zones of what is now ex-Yugoslavia. After the second world war nine regions of Venice Giulia were lost andincluding Friuli with what had remained of the actual Region on which it was founded.

Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands:
The northern part of the Friuli Venice Julia is formed from the Carniche Alps  and to a lesser extent, from a brief line of Alps called the Giulie. From the Footstep of Mountain Croce of Comelico up to the Sella of Camporosso, the Carniche Alps  extend, which raise over the 2000 ms with their wall of protection.  Alps Giulie, continue from the Sella of Camporosso to the Footstep of Vrata, to north of the River. The tallest top is the Jôf of Montasio which alone belongs partly to Italy while the rest is in Slovenia. Tagliamento divides the Alps from the Prealpiswhich are less tall, rocky and with little vegetation. The Footstep of Fusine and the Footstep of Predil connect Italy to Slovenia; the Footstep of Mountain Croce Carnico brings in Austria.

The port of Trieste
The port of Trieste

The Footstep of Mauria puts  the valley of Tagliamento in communication with that of  Piave, passing the Prealpis Carniche.
The lowland of this region is the natural part of the Lowland Padana. It introduces the same characteristics and it is divided and tall, mildly productive while the low part is very productice and irrigated by the risorgives.

Also part of this great region,  is Friuli Venice Julia which introduces notable aspects of its territory. Going down from north we find the mountains that exalt their peaks with big woods filled with firs, then the well taken care of level part and its agricultura crops and also  the abundance of water of the rivers that end in the sea of the calm lagoon waters. In the part of the oriental coast we find an ample gulf that shoulders and extendeds to the highland of Carso. Always in the oriental part there is a zone hilly and rich in vineyards, closes the region in the Italian territory by its border. The western section of the inclusive coast, between the mouth of Tagliamento and  Isonzo are  introduced low and sandy. The coast is formed by the deposits, unloaded by the waters from the rivers Tagliamento and Isonzo. In 1976 a big part of the Friuli was struck by a disastrous earthquake. Two seismic shakes demolished the area a small distance to the north. The phenomenon prouduced lot of victims and destroyed a big part of the 117 communes of the provincies of Udine and Pordenone. The reconstruction proceeds too slowly still in comparison to the vast consequences of the sisma.

Agriculture - Stock-farm - Fishing:

Palmanova with its characteristic form  to star to nine points
Palmanova with its characteristic form
to star to nine points

The mountainous part constitutes a little more than half the general territory of the region and the tall part of the lowland, that is not fertile is little cultivated. The part of carsica is almost   without any type of crop. The low band of the lowland instead is fertile highly and exploited and feed by the natural risorgives. The product of the Region doesn't constitute a remarkable amount of national production, but the present cultivations are: maize, rye, sugar beets, tobacco and fruit. The most diffuse plantations are those of the vineyards, spread throughout the lowlands and in the hills.

In Friuli Venice Julia many appreciated wines are produced exported all over the world, of which  Tocai and Merlot are memorable. The characteristic production is that of grappa. The breeding of the meat cattle and from milk is very intense, besides those of the swines of which we find products of good quality. After Veneto, the Region holds the second place for the breeding of the silkworm, which is however losing of importance  with the advent of the artificial fibers. The principal fish harbors are: Trieste, Monfalcone and Degree. The fishing is becoming less and less profitable, because the sea here is more and more poor of fish.

Industry - Tourism:
Important are the metallurgical fittings, mechanics, chemical products, the fittings for the refinement of oil and big shipyards, which have assembled especially in the zones in Trieste, Monfalcone, Pordenone and Gorizia. A lot of middle firms produce agricultural cars, textiles, coffee prducts, in addition to clocks, alimentary, paper, furniture and chairs.

Position and Frontier:
Friuli Venice Julia is the north-most oriental region of this Italian territory. The surface goes from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea. To north the Friuli Venice Julia bourders Austria, to east  Slovenia (ex-Yugoslavia), to south the Adriatic Sea and to west we find Tagliamento and Livenza that divide it from Veneto.

Rivers - Lakes:
The principal rivers of this Region are:Tagliamento, Isonzo and Livenza. Tagliamento is born from the strata of the Footstep of the Mauria and flows in the Venetian zone. Of Isonzo, that goes down of the Tricorno Mountain, only the inferior part of the course and its tributary, the river Tower, belongs to Italy. Livenza, even if for a brief stretch bathes the lands border with Veneto. Memorable are the most famous as well as some other rivers of this Region, or rather Timavo, and phenomenon typical of Carso, that the most ancient populations already had the opportunity to study. The Timavo is born in Slovenia, it flows underground for 38 kms. and emerges next to Monfalcone, to little distance from the sea.

Thanks to the protection of the Alps Carniche and the proximity of the sea, the climate in the level part is generally a maritime type, without highly elevated temperatures; in the northern part of the region the climate is typically alpine. In the Carso there are abundant precipitations. Where there is no protection   from the barrier of the Alps there blows the icy ‘bora ', a cold and icy wind, but that brings the beautiful time; it succeeds in reaching the 100 km/hs with gusts that touch 150 km/hs; and reach the coasts even to marchigiane crossing the Adriatic. To Trieste we find the bora, mild  ten times the year, which is also introduced as a moderate wind, commonly called ‘borin '.

Friuli Venice Julia is a region of special statute. Being an frontier land  there are present in its territory Slavic ethnic minorities who speak the language slovena and anothers of the German language. The populated zones are the lowland and the coastal band, while the mountainous and alpine parts recording more and more of a demografic diminution about how much the population prefers to move to the cities of the coast or the lowland or other zones of northern Italy which are more industrialized.

Trieste is the release of railway communication for Venice, for Austria passing for Udine and Tarvisio, and for the zone of ex-Yugoslavia. The road and motorway net puts in connection the whole territory with the Lowland Padana, Austria and ex-Yugoslavia. The small centers are in operation on different release roads and railways. The airport of the Region is found to Ronchi of the Legionaries (GO).

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