

emilia romagna
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Provinces - This region has 9 provinces: Bologna, Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio nell'Emilia, Rimini
Chief town - Bologna
Surface - kmq 22123
National Parks -  National Park of Monte Falterona, Campigna and of   Foreste Casentinesi (1990)
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emilia romagna Origin of the Name
Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands
Agriculture - Stock-Farm - Fishing
Industry - Tourism
Position and Frontier
Rivers - Lakes

Origin of the name:
In the II century before Christ a road was built in honor of the consul Roman Mark Emilio Facetious that connected Rimini to Piacenza and it was called Aemilia. From this road the name was given to the Region. In the VI century after Christ  the Romans lost this territory which was divided between the Longobardis and the Byzantines calling these lands respectively Longobardia and Romania. The actual zone of  Romagna was of Byzantine dominion. With the unity of Italy, the Region acquired  the aboriginal name of Emilia. Only in 1947 the was the actual name of Emilia Romagna assigned.

Reliefs - Passes - Coasts - Islands:
In the southern part of the Region there are the Appenninichemountains which are not very tall and are formed by friable rocks that are easily eroded by water which cause frequent landslides and rains plough through the rock. The line of the Appennino Ligure confines the Maggioresca Mountain (1799 ms. ). The Appennino Tosco-Emiliano is a faded mountainous chain, in which a lot of furrows and inlets depart in direction of the Po. The most important tops are of the Cimone Mountain and the Cusna Mountains that stretch over a few the 2000 ms. The varied sections of Appennino take the name of the bordering provincies such as Appennino Piacentino, Parmense, Reggiano Modenese, Bolognese, Romagnolo. Some passes connect  Emilia Romagna with Tuscany and Liguria. Between those Tuscans we remember the Footstep of the Cisa, the Footstep Cerretto, the Footstep of the Abetone, the Footstep of the Futa; the most important footstep that brings in Liguria is Footstep of One hundred Crosses. The lowland, is formed by the southern part of the Lowland Padana. From west toward the east the lowland widens more and more,  arriving to the adriatic coast with a great width of the Venetian lombardo. The earths of this lowland are very fertile.

The conformation of the Region is divided in two completely different sections from each other: the first one, situated in the southern part of the Region,is all mountainous and hilly; the second, the northern one is all level. The mountain is characterized by a feeling of abandonment and loneliness, putting each other in clear contrast with the nature that instead introduces other very inhabited parts rich with a  variety of cultivations, and roads full of traffic and as well as different rivers and channels that irrigate the country. The orchards are cultivated as far as the eye can see and the fields with old farms adorn these colored landscapes. Also on the adriatic shore we find two conflicting aspects: the wild and silent  valleys and of the lagoons and the the beaches overcrowded with lots   of tourist structures along the coastal.

The Towers in the historical center in Bologna
The Towers in the historical center in Bologna

Agriculture - Stock-farm - Fishing:
The agriculture of the Region is amoung the most advanced of Italy. We find a big variety of products and a  abundance of some of them. This fertility is owed to the favorable geographical and climatic position and also because modern techniques of cultivation and organization of commerce are used. The   Emilia Romagna prospers in the crops of wheat and sugar beets; and also the production of rice, bowline, wine and fruit. Only in this sector of the fruit big cultivations are those of plums, ciliege, apricots and pears. In the sector vinicolos there are some wines that are very important such as the Lambrusco, St. Giovese, the Albana. Within the vegetable catagorie are notable quantities of onions, peas and tomatoes. Also cultivated are hemp and flax. The most practiced breeding is that of cattle and swines. Emilia Romagna produces a fifth of the national product of butchered livestock and a sixth of the milk. The pig meat is used for the production of meats. From the milk traditional cheeses are produced: nuisance and parmigiano. The breeding of chickens is also well developed. The most intense zone for fishing is the Valleys of Comacchio, where they raise over each other and where eels are fished.  The most abundant fish are blue fish.

Industry - Tourism:

Mausoleum of Teodorico in Ravenna
Mausoleum of Teodorico in Ravenna

Characteristic of emiliano-romagnola, is the lack of big industrial complexes, which is  tied exclusively to the agricultural products and to breeding. The most important industries are alimentary ones(vinicole, conserviere, cheese, sugar-refineries and delicatessen factories), besides those of chemists and mechanics. One of the most memorable is the factory of Maranello of Ferrari. The chemical industry  and the production of petroleum, also draw on methane in the lowland romagnola. The bulk of the economy of this Region are in the pharmaceutical clothes and the ceramics sectors.  The regional tourism also represents a very important factor.

Thousand of hotel structures, restaurants and places of every kind, are distributed along the 70 kilometers of inclusive beach between Ravenna and Catholic.  Also of notible interest are the artistic patrimony of the cities of Emilia and the varied cities of thermal care as Salsomaggiore or Porretta Terme.

Position and Frontier:

The region is situated between Adriatic Sea, Po and Appennino. Emilia Romagna confines to north with Veneto and Lombarda, to east with Adriatic Sea, to south with Marche, Tuscany, the small State of S.Marino  and a brief line of Liguria. To west it borders Liguria, Lombardy and a for a short distance Piedmont.

Rivers - Lakes:
The rivers are divided in tributary and sub-tributary of Po and others that flow in the sea directly. Besides the Po, are its tributaries: Trebbia, Panaro, Parma, Enza, Bucket and Taro. The rivers that flow in the Adriatic Sea directly are Rhine and Marecchia. The particularity of these rivers is their torrential character, they rather dry in the summer and subjects to floods in winter.

The climate is characterized by warm and sultry summers and rigid winters with abundant precipitation and frequent days of fog and cold. Along the coastal Adriatic the climate is milder; on the mountains abundant rains and snowfalls are frequentl.  Snow falls also in the lowlands however here the snow immediately vanishes and is loosened by the wind.

The populations move from the mountains especially to the lowland along the zone of the coastal band, without  creating big agglomerations, but distributing each other in balanced way. The only exception is for Bologna that is over 400 thousand inhabitants, while the other big cities are revolve between 100 and the 180 thousand inhabitants. To note is the curious fact that 8 chief towns, excluded Ravenna and Ferrara, rise along the street Emilia that represents the principal street of the Region. In this important street for communication, the concentrations of inhabitants never reach the level that would be considered overcrowed.

The principal road axle of the Region is still the street Emilia. From this street Emilia the biggest cities have developed of Emilia Romagna parallelly, over the railway and motorway nets. From these big arteries of communication the varied ramifications depart toward the bordering Regions. Bologna is the greatest release road where all the streets of communication meet. There are two airports, one in Bologna (Borgo Panigale) and the other in Rimini.

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